Cost and Eligibility2023-04-27T00:31:24+00:00

You might be a candidate for Inspire if…

You have moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea.

You are unable to use or get consistent benefit from CPAP.

You are not significantly obese.

You are age 18 or above.

Will Inspire Work For You?

Based on FDA indications and insurance requirements, an Inspire trained doctor will determine if you meet the four criteria. Your doctor will also examine your airway and review your most recent sleep study.

Health Insurance

Find your insurance type below to learn more about cost and coverage for Inspire.

Traditional Health Insurance2023-04-27T00:14:14+00:00
  • Most major US insurance companies cover Inspire
  • An Inspire trained doctor can discuss insurance coverage requirements during an initial consultation
  • Typically, you can expect to pay any unmet deductible for the year, along with any copay or coinsurance fee for a surgery
  • Medicare is covering Inspire for those who qualify.
  • A doctor trained on the Inspire procedure can discuss the qualifications with you during an office visit.
  • Inspire is available for veterans at select VA and military hospitals across the US
  • Visit the Find a Doctor page or chat with an Inspire Advisor to see if there is an VA or military hospital near you that offers Inspire
  • If there is not a center near you, you can possibly utilize a program called the Community Care Program. For more information, please visit
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